English Thoughts

Here is where I try to express how important God is in my life.

For me is easier as a writer to share my thoughts in Spanish cause it's my native language, so writing and sharing my thoughts in English is always a challenge.

Honestly, I don't expect to be great with my English thoughts as I write and share them,
 so while I am writing, I pray and learn to trust.

Trust Him.

 And only expect God to reveal to your soul through His Holy Spirit while you read.

 Wherever you are, let me tell you a secret:

 "You are the reason why Our  Heavenly Father is asking me to do this special challenge..." 

I no longer ask, I obey. So here I am writing, trusting, being brave, and opening this door only because of HIM and His love for YOU.

Only because of trust.

God Bless You...wherever YOU are.

As He Cuddles, He sustains. By Paola Troz

As I cuddle my heart in His Presence 
I embrace the impossible.

As I surrender my spirit to His Power
I learn to trust Jesus,  who is worthy of my trust.

As I pray, I am sure  my voice is heard in  Heaven
and answers flow like rivers of hope to my soul.

Never see the storm, even if you are facing it.  
Just remember Who is inside of you.
He will keep you calm and safe until you reach the other side.

He will keep you calm and safe through all the way.

He will sustain you
as He cuddles your soul…

He will whisper… " everything is ok".

His Voice will bring peace.
His love your victory!
His strength your final  destiny.

Never feel alone
He will sustain and satisfy all your needs.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. 
Psalm 55:22

As you learn to breath His Presence every day,
the hole perspective in your life and situation will change.

He is all we need.
Jesus is all you need.

As you find this out, His Holy Spirit drives you near his heart
and cuddles you in His cozy and strong arms.

Heavenly Father comes and Cuddles you with the warmth of His eternal and Glorious Love.

And all of a sudden Fear is gone.

Forever Jesus
Forever Savior
Forever Love.

No fear
and no loneliness as 
Jesus come.

Let His words embrace you and keep you safe.
For His words are alive and full of truth.

Truth will guide you
Love will sustain  your needs.

Just trust and drive Him near you heart, your spirit and soul.

Real Love, By Paola Troz

His love surrounds my hope
my expectations and anxiety,

His  Strengh removes my fears
and brings light into my deepest  darkness.

His Joy fullfills my laughter
and lift up my Spirit every day.

In the midst of doubt and concern
I have found love, home, purpose.

Therefore I must not fear
for I have love inside of me.

Love cant be denied
Love cant be imitated

Love is real and light up our hope. 

Love brings purspose for no reason or interest at all.
Love is meant to be born inside of us and be given through us.

Love, real one
not forced, nor bought.

Real Love, 

My Lord.

Holyness Journey. By Paola Troz.

There is a way to get there

Some may think its an  impossible journey.
Some may know the answer and try with all their hearts every single day,

to persue...
persue holyness.

As we are called HIS children, the power of His Holy Spirit guide our steps in order to be better every day.

Its just ok to understand that its  not that easy, the journey can be hard most of the time,  but 
all it requieres is our intentional sacrifice of love 

love for the Father

love for the Son

love for the Holy Spirit.

As soon as we realize we are in love with someone, we do everything we can to please and show our love to the person.

In our relationship with God is the same, though is a deeper kind of love.

But we need to get to know HIM in a more intimate way so we can fall in love with HIS amazing truth.

Prayer and worship time help a lot!


Way, truth and life.

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”
1 Peter 1:8

Jesus is Holy and when we find Him we persue holyness.
As we fall in love with Him, we want to please his heart.

He believes so much in our potential that even  with his own words he reminded all of us that YES we can persue holyness too thorugh HIM!!
He can help us.

Way, truth, and life.

 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.  But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 
1 Peter 1:13

The power of his blood purified humanity on that cross.
The power of his blood stablished  our identity by giving it back. 
Big price and sacrifice that approaches all of us close to the heart of the one who is Holy! 

“Be holy, because I am holy.”
Jesus words.

He is our living hope.
He is alive and nothing can separate us from His love!

Yes we can persue holyness everyday and try to please our beloved One , cause nothing  this world can offer or nothing from our  past can compare to the Glory we find in His tender, unique and infinite  Presence!

We are chosen people who build today a difference in this conflicted world and Jesus indeed believes in our potential!
“you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 
1 Peter 2:5
The one who trusted us, believed in us and therefore sacrified for us.
He still trust, believe and love you every single day.

The Living Stone, living hope.
 way, truth and life 
(John 14:6 )

Jesus Christ!

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

1 Peter 2:9


Jesus said

“This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God´s glory so that God´s son may be glorified through it” John 11:4

He was talking about Lazarus illness.

None of the people around Jesus could understand at that point that he was anticipating with Lazarus death his own Victory and Power over death.!

He knew that when resurrection time would come many doubts will show up in people´s hearts and minds.

Though Lazarus death was a great opportunity to let His Power SHINE!!

Jesus main problem was not death
Jesus main problem were hearts with no faith at all.

Lazarus  represented the route He used to let people know that death was not a problem for him.

Lazarus was the person he used to show His Power and His strengh in faith so that today we can practice everyday from his own example.

Lazarus was the reminding for the world, so when doubts came after his resurrection, everyone could tell how He beated death with just these words:

“Lazaro Come out! ”

Today many christians around the world need to wake up their death faith in the same ways Jesus taught us to.

“Take away the stone” John 11:39

Our salvation is guaranteed in His amazing resurrection, though we must value it as the perfect gift it is , and  our faith needs to come out in power and action so we can actually see the glory of God in a world that needs so mucho love and hope.

“Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” 

Lets give LIFE to our faith.
Lets give it action

Let´s give all the Glory to our KING!!

" I am the way and the truth and  the life " John 14 :6

WINDY love 
by Paola Troz

As the wind blows in my face
I feel  Heavenly Father´s
kind of windy love.

 I feel which is the way
here or there , and here again...

where my Spirit feels free
where I learn to fly  the wind with my wings

North and South
where my way may be found

East and West,
where Your peace Dear Father, drives to rest.

Air that blows,
windy kind of love

Kisses and hugs that
 heavenly touch
my spirit
life and soul!!

Silent Prayers
By Paola Troz

We come to our Heavenly Father with most of our prayers 
not all of them,

cause others remain silent  in our hearts.

Though God truly knows them all, even the quiet ones, the silent ones
the ones we do not pronounce out loud.

Those unspoken words...

Cause they hurt, they expose us and sometimes they even frightens us in some ways.

Those quite prayers from our hearts HE also answers...

He knows each of them.

He knows YOU!
and want you to know that 

 Your Heavenly Father 
is in charge,

Yes He is!

Even when you dont know He is.

Or even when you don't want Him to.

He stares at your soul  in every single thought and move.

God is there listening your unspoken words.

More than our voice , God always listens to our hearts and soul !!

God listens to every silent prayer from your heart.

The flying Train
By Paola Troz

When I sing I find a train  that flies,
 as it flies it takes me to a special place...

A  place called home in my Spirit.

Sweet Home.

Home that warms the coldness in my fears,
Warmth  that brings protection.

Home that defines my identity and remembers me where I belong forever.

One journey
my journey with a song.

YOUR song
cause it belongs to YOU oh Lord!

To praise You only!

My journey...
Sweet journey,

 the journey to  your heart Dear Father,

where  you teach my Spirit the  right way

Your way.

Where you teach my Spirit how to fly!!


 Your Presence.

The amazing place where you cuddle my soul.

So, let´s sing! 
Sing to Him!
Sing to Him a new song!

Let´s catch! 
Catch up the train that flies!

Let us rejoice! 

Rejoice together as we arrive home!

Let´s fly!!

To the  amazing place  where we can find His Presence
through a song.

As we Sing and praise

As we travel in the flying Train!

Picture by MJ Daluz

How lovely is your dwelling place,
    Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints,
    for the courts of the Lord;my heart and my flesh cry out
    for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home,
    and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young
a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
    they are ever praising you.

Psalm 84: 1-5


By Paola Troz

Every healing process is painful but healing brings hope.
Hope  in the Master Healer
Hope as the Master´s healer secrets which are based in love.
Healing waters from a Healing Father
His nature heals,
helps us hope.

His profound and eternal love...

Gods love

Healer of our soul
Healer of our body and spirit

with His  everlasting Healing love.

"but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 
John 4:14
Picture by Cathie Douglas.

Old Shoes and Leather hearts... By Paola Troz

Wearing comfortable shoes is a must for someone like me.
Cowboy boots are my favorite choice, cause they make me feel comfortable and ready to conquer the world. Sometimes I think that I should have been born in Texas or in a place near horses, but for some reason God decided to set me in a Tropical Country and kind of far away from farms.
I had these amazing pair of cowboy boots which I wore all the time and were really old. Still I didnt want to get rid of them. They were so comfortable. So I took them on a trip to Argentina where my brother lives with his family.
One afternoon we all went to a Mall and I saw an amazing pair of leather boots that could be perfect to replace my old ones. But when I asked for the price they were too expensive and I couldnt afford them. I said no word about it to anyone and left the Mall with my old boots on.
When we went back home Cynthia, my sister in law gave me a new awesome pair that no longer fit her after her pregnancy period.

They were NEW and so cool
and almost the same as the ones I saw at the Mall!

I was amazed , so happy and thankful.

She came and simply gave them to me as a love present, as if she knew…

God knew.

He always Knows...

and somehow it was kind of like His way to tell me

My new leather boots took some time to fit though, so I wore them all the time, almost as my old pair of boots trying to stretch them.

Patience was important during this process. I felt pain too, but after some days they fitted perfectly.
While I was wearing my new uncomfortable pair, an image of a leather hearts came to my mind.

Leather hearts…

Where is difficult for God to fit in…

Some people feel the same as my uncomfortable feet with new leather boots when it comes to God in their lives.
Even when leather hearts do too, take time to let God fit in,
there is still hope...
Hope in leather hearted people...

After some time,and maybe some pain patience arise, and their hearts can  feel like new and with such a comfortable sensation in their soul too.

He makes all things new! Even when they are old.

Isnt it funny? “New that feels like old!”
Great combination when it comes to cowboy boots.
New that feels like new when God restores your soul...
Hearts that feel like home forever when they finally accept the present of love from the Heavenly Father Who knows exactly what they want and need.

The Father who matches perfectly after we let Him in.

The One who paid for an eternal gift .
Yeap! A wonderful gift!

A gift than can fit with His amazing grace even in the difficult leather hearts .

A gift of love that changed humanity.
Jesus love and His hope.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17


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